Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 14 - New Makeup Routine!

Today was a "make your shoulders ache" kind of a work day.  I went to the house before lunch, after lunch and after dinner to paint.  My top priority - get the ceilings upstairs painted so we can take out the old ceiling fans and install the new.

My #1 illumination expert was there to help me this afternoon.  He took down the bedroom ceiling fans while I painted.  Does your electrician wear cuff links on the job?  I didn't think so.  You can't buy this kind of class.
I went to Home Depot this morning to get some more roller covers for this job.  I asked the paint counter folks what type of nap roller I would need to paint the textured ceilings.  They suggested the 1/2 inch.  I had the 3/4 in. in my hand but put it back based on their recommendation.  I wish I hadn't.  I rolled the dark blue bedroom ceiling until my arms ached and could still see through the texture.  The roller just wasn't cutting it.

That afternoon I got smart.  I brought out Daniel's Wagner Spraystation paint sprayer to give it a go.  Since we are just going with flat white on the ceilings, I used the Killz primer for the job.  It's white and will seal out any smoke residue that might try to seep out later.  (Side note: The house no longer smells like cats OR smoke, hallelujah!  Now it just smells like a construction site.  We're getting there.)

The Killz is kind of thick, so I watered it down for the sprayer - about 3/4 primer and 1/4 hot water.  Not sure if using water that was hot made a difference but logically speaking, typically things mix better in hot water than they do in cold.  Worth a shot.  Whether that helped or not, spraying the ceilings worked great!  The key with the sprayer is to take your time.  It doesn't spray on thick so you've got to move slowly to cover the area adequately.  I used a stepladder in the beginning but then got tired of moving it every few minutes and just held the sprayer as high as I could reach over my head.  It got the job done!
By the end of tonight, all 4 bedroom ceilings and both bathroom ceilings upstairs were finished.  Daniel came that evening after band practice and rolled the walls of the bedrooms and baths with the primer.  The second floor is now ready to paint!

Being a busy DIY Renovation Mom, it can be hard to find time to take care of my appearance.  I've been learning to take shortcuts wherever I can.  Today I discovered a brand new makeup routine that saves me time by doing my makeup while I paint the ceiling.  Presto!  Ready for date night with the hubby!
White eyelashes, white highlights and white lipstick are in style, right?  Even my contacts have small flecks of paint...  After a long shower, I still don't have it all washed off...  FYI when I went back after dinner, I got slightly smarter and wore a mask.  My lungs and throat are thanking me for the break from the fumes.

Keep dreaming!

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